Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Josh holds a baby????

Something he swore he would never do, but that was before little miss Lola worked her magic on old Unkie Josh.  What ever Lola wants Lola gets!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Bill

Sunday was Grandpa Bill's birthday and even though we celebrated it last weekend Lola still wanted to give a shout out to her Grandpa.

Rocco and Lora tie the knot

On Friday Rocco and Lora got married, and Lola was there to support and meet Mr and Mrs DeAngelis.
Not bad for having a two week old and some how we managed to make it to the wedding with time to spare!

Lookin' good Carl and Jo.

Lola had a line up of arms waiting to hold her. Some people may have skipped the line and perhaps held her a little too long!

We also took this opportunity to take Lola out for her first spin in her sweet sweet ride.

She doesn't look impressed, but she loves it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Auntie Amanda!

Today is Aunt Amanda's birthday. We're thinking we should get Amanda some extra pillows, so that when Lola is a teenager, and realizes that mom and dad totally don't understand her, she can comfortably move in with her cool aunt and cousin Zen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lola celebrates being one week old

A bottle of champagne (OK, it was a little one) and then up all night. Hm. Lola's first Friday night out in the world sounds familiar to mom and dad.

Lola's first visit to her crib, which seems really large. That might change when she's 15 and still sleeping in it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

In case you forgot all the words...

Lola HQ

OK, so she hasn't actually moved into her room yet but that doesn't mean we can't snoop around a bit. We think it's lovely, but not so much that we're ready to kick her out of our room yet!

Dad hard at work hanging pictures on the family tree. Thanks again to Meaghan for using her creative powers to create the tree. With her MIND. Also some paint.

Some people haven't sent Lola their family photo yet. You know who you are. Lola is waiting.

Lots of books to read!
Rocking chair ready for action underneath a Grandma Trish original artwork!

Um, this is her closet. And the place where foul diapers live. Sorry, you probably didn't need to see that...

1 week!

50 diapers, 6 hours sleep, and 1 whole week of Lola! We seem to be getting the hang of this.

Heck, we might even have a birthday party. Mommy wants her some cake...


Lola finally got her first dip in the tub, and she loved it! We're sure she'll be pleased to find out there are already nudie shots of her on the interwebs.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Lola meet everyone. Everyone meet Lola

Still feeling alright, hanging out in the birthing tub about an hour before the birth.

The first family photo, moments after Lola makes her appearance in the world

Midwife Christie does the official weigh in.

Lola meets Grandpa Bill and Baba

Lola meets Grandma

Lola gets some snuggles from Grandpa Paul.

Lola spends some time with Oma.

The London Dunton's drive over to meet Lola

Proud Auntie Amanda with Lola