Saturday, December 27, 2008

Brunch with the Stoski's

After all the travels in the past few days we felt weird just sitting at home with no one to visit, so we headed over to the Stoski household for brunch. Dylan was super cute.
Dylan sharing his car with Lola, it must be love. Thanks for the visit and all the coffee! We are off to nap the day away.

Christmas Part 4

The last stop on our Christmas tour was in Mississauga. Surprisingly we are still a very happy crew at this point! A sick Isabella and Sally were unable to join us and celebrate not only Christmas, but Izzy's first birthday, bummer! Happy Birthday Izzy, you were missed!Getting some quality time with Uncle Jon.
Joseph trick Darcy with his surprising can of bubble gum.
The Christmas crackers this year had an extra special prize, Gary Glitter Uncle Rod couldn't wait to try it out.
Even Joseph got in the act. Don't worry his eyes were washed shortly after before his eyes began to swell like Uncle Rod's.
As Santa's helper Joseph some how managed to only find gifts with his name on them, hum very suspect.
Grandpa Claus
Lola meets Mr. Bo Dangles
Uncle Rod's eyes had recovered at this point, though his vision was still a bit blurry.
Watching Jeremy's Christmas story. Having it on video makes it easier to understand through all the crying.
Lola Claus rocks the exersaucer, with Sophie of course. Wow, what an amazing first Christmas!

Christmas Part 3

The next stop was Uncle Darryl's house. Thanks for being such gracious hosts!

Aiden was the photographer for the night, thanks for all the great pictures (way too many to post here!)

Christmas Part 2

The next stop on our Christmas tour was home, where I enjoying quiet time with Grandma on Christmas morning.
Working on breakfast, which of course included bacon.

Loving the whole present thing.
Sleeping Beauty, that is awesome, thanks mom and dad.
The chaos after everything was opened. Who knew that such a little girl would command such a large amount of gifts!

Look what I got in my stocking this year!
First Christmas morning family photo.

Christmas Part 1

The first stop on our Christmas tour was at Grandpa and Oma's house in Collingwood, everyone was there.

Lola scoops Miss Piggies shoes for the night.

The ladies, Lola is in her new Christmas dress that Dad bought for her. Awwww.
The traditional Christmas dinner, fondu (and you thought that it was turkey)

Fondu fun!
Oma models her award winning Christmas hat.
Eggs Benny for eleven.

Auntie Amanda demands more Eggs Benny!
Grandpa helps Lola open Christmas presents, including a super cute bather for Florida!
Uncle Aaron H. and Zen finish up snowman #1
Auntie Vanessa looking pretty in her new ski suit!
Sophie and Lola enjoy the sled.
Grant puts on the finishing touches on snowman #2
Cleo, sniffing Snow Dog, who she eventually ate the face off, but how can you blame her he was made of kibble.
Trying to take a family picture of this rag tag crew. It is always so much harder then you think that it will be!

What a good looking crew. Merry Collingwood Christmas!