Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Football Sunday
Sorry gang, we have had some problems with our internet connection, but at least it hasn't been months since we put up some new material (read Beej and Dylan update your blog).
Here are some photos of Lola and her Daddy enjoying football Sunday!

We are hard at work on our Halloween costumes and can't wait until the publishing ban has been lifted and we can share them with the all of you! Till then!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Walking Buckaroo
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Celebrating Daddy's Birthday Again!
We went over to Grandpa and Baba's to celebrate Daddy's birthday again! Daddy is a big fan of the week long birthday celebration.
Uncle Jon and I spent some time on the couch eating potato chips, yummy!
I was unsure how to act around Uncle Josh, now that he is a famous published author. Congratulations Uncle Josh!
Here I am with Aunt Emily in the birthday crown that cousin Shaymus made for mom's birthday two years ago, but was only given to mom this weekend! Uncle Jon and Josh's delivery service is highly unreliable!
And finally Dad with the traditional Dunton birthday cake. He didn't blow out all the candles and therefore revealed that he has TWO girlfriends! Mom said that she would talk to Dad about that later!
Thanks for dinner and a wonderful visit Baba and Grandpa. Hope to see you again soon!
Grandma comes to visit
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hum de dum de dum, just playing quietly in the kitchen.
Hey look, Daddy's cereal.
Let me take a closer look at this.
Well, that was neat I wonder what else is in there?
I'll just get one more thing at the back.
Hey, what was that noise?
Uh oh, busted. Look innocent, did she see us?
What??? Who me??? No, I have no idea who could have made this mess. Maybe talk to Chewy?
Tea Time
Thank you so much for my new table Auntie Amanda and Grandma, I love it!
Brunch with my peeps
On Monday Dylan and Beej came over for brunch.
The boys decorated a birthday cake for Daddy. I think that there was a lot more eating of the candies then decorating with the candies. Thankfully there were more then enough candy to fulfill both purposes.
Here are some parents pretending they are helping, when really they were snacking too!
There were so many candles that Daddy needed all the kids to help to blow out them out.
Later, the boys played on the couch, while I watched from a (somewhat) safe distance.
Thanks for coming to visit Beej and Dylan and for making such a beautiful cake!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Dada
This weekend was Daddy's birthday weekend. Happy Birthday Daddy!
Grandma made Daddy this amazing little cake so that we could celebrate Thanksgiving and Daddy!
Grandma also made this rocking horse. I gravitated to it instantly. I figured out how to rock it on my own and get on and off of it. And if you rock it hard enough you can make it move across the room!

Here is a picture of Grandpa Steve and I enjoying a quiet moment watching baseball before everyone arrived to celebrate!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Blasting those abs
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