Monday, January 30, 2012
Things are changing
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
While we wait....
We bake!
Lola and I have been busy. The mercury has dropped to a more seasonal level as of late, so we have been forced back inside. Which isn't a bad thing because it gives us lots of time to work on a number baking projects.
First up, cheese cake in a jar.

Seriously delicious and in perfect portable snack sizes. Thanks for the idea Jenn!
And then there were the Whoppie Pies. Lola is a great helper in the kitchen, but you do have to watch when your back is turned, especially when the project involves chocolate batter.
Lola was in charge of the icing, decorating and assembling of the whoopie pies.
They turned out really cute and super sweet, as in make your teeth hurt sweet, but we loved every bite. While we continue to wait, we will continue to bake up new treats. Hopefully he will arrive soon; my waist line and my blood sugar levels are both rising to epic proportions!
Lola and I have been busy. The mercury has dropped to a more seasonal level as of late, so we have been forced back inside. Which isn't a bad thing because it gives us lots of time to work on a number baking projects.
First up, cheese cake in a jar.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Ballet Class
Friday, January 13, 2012
Forty One Months Old
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Merry Ukrainian Christmas
This year Baba went to Timmins to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas with big Baba. Which meant that we were on our own to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas. Thankfully the only other Ukrainian people that we know invited us over for a quasi traditional Ukie Christmas feast. It was also the perfect opportunity to check out the new digs that the Stoski family had moved into.
Sarah did a really great job at preparing the Ukie Christmas feast. We had Borsch, really good borsch.
And cabbage rolls, kapusta, and perogies; all made by hand (maybe not Sarah's hands, but by someones).
Dylan and I both loved the Ukrainian bacon and brocolli.
Though the best part was that we were also celebrating Neven's birthday and because there was a birthday to be celebrated there was chocolate cake to be eaten for dessert.
Dylan and I helped blow out the candles.
And there was a lot of silliness. We posed for this picture just after playing hair salon.
Merry Ukrainian Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Finger Painting
Monday, January 9, 2012
New Years Eve
On New Years Mom and Dad celebrated a British New Years. Meaning that they rang in the new year at 7pm, so that Mom could still get to bed on time. It was a blast, more so for the drunk people then the really sober pregnant woman, but it really was fun.
These pictures really sum up the night well!
For a better re-cap see Beej's blog
Three Christmases
Up first, Christmas in Collingwood. Mom and Dad forgot to bring the camera, so just know that there was light dusting of snow, a fondu feast, too much wine, and lots of caroling. This also where I got my princess dress which will feature heavily in all the photos over the next few months. It was great fun. Thanks Grandpa and Oma for a wonderful Christmas celebration.
Our second Christmas celebration was at home. Grandma came and joined us for a sleep over and present opening. On Christmas morning I was the last one up, all the adults were hanging about waiting for me to wake up. When I walked down stairs I could see that Santa had left me exactly what I had asked for; Cinderella. So, rather then open any presents we all hunkered down on the pull out couch and watched the whole movie.
After the movie we were hungry so Mom and Dad got to work on the Christmas breakfast feast. This year it featured creme brule french toast and a whole lot of breakfast meats.
After breakfast we sat down to do some present opening.
There were a lot of gifts and lots of playing and hugging.
After presents we called our families and told them that we loved them and sang Happy Birthday to Isabella. And that was Christmas at home.
The third Christmas on our 2011 tour was Christmas in Mississauga. This year was a little bit quieter and a little bit lonelier. We missed the Winnipeg Dunton's very much. But, hey there was more Mrs. Gilespies' salad for Mom, so it wasn't a total loss.
With so many amazing presents over the past two days it was hard to believe that there could be anymore, but there were. A new Rapunzel doll from Uncle Josh.
Uncle Jon got a kiss for this amazing princess art kit. Look Mom it has 1500 little pieces! Are you excited!
And Grandpa and Baba bought me a cash register for my store. My store has a lot of rules; like don't touch things unless you are told or you can't come back and the girl at the cash sometimes doesn't wear pants, but that is okay. And as a warning, don't buy the cake mix, it is $30, a total rip off.
Thanks to everyone for an amazing Christmas. We love you all.
Our second Christmas celebration was at home. Grandma came and joined us for a sleep over and present opening. On Christmas morning I was the last one up, all the adults were hanging about waiting for me to wake up. When I walked down stairs I could see that Santa had left me exactly what I had asked for; Cinderella. So, rather then open any presents we all hunkered down on the pull out couch and watched the whole movie.
The third Christmas on our 2011 tour was Christmas in Mississauga. This year was a little bit quieter and a little bit lonelier. We missed the Winnipeg Dunton's very much. But, hey there was more Mrs. Gilespies' salad for Mom, so it wasn't a total loss.
Thanks to everyone for an amazing Christmas. We love you all.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
December 12th to 23rd
This is where things sort of fell off the tracks in regards to the 25 Days of Christmas. I can't remember when we did what, but here is some of the things that we did up until we started off on our great Christmas adventure.
We had our Christmas colouring night. We colour in the same book each year, date it and then put it away. It will be fun in a few years to look back.
Cake Pops! Sarah and I tried to keep it simple this year when it came to the cake pops. We were only going to make three different kinds for a total of 48 cake pops. Thinking that was about as simple as the project got.
They turned out amazing and were a hit everyplace that they were delivered.

There was a night where we played Gingerbread Man bingo.
The game was fun, but the real attraction for everyone was the bingo dabbers.
Cookie decoration night was also a very popular activity.
Complete and total free access to all the icing and decorations a little girl could imagine. The cookies were not only beautiful, but they were a very very sugary and delicious desert.
Listening and dancing to Christmas carols.
The pink dress is last years Christmas dress, it is hard to believe that she grew that much in a year!
We went to a Christmas party at daycare and Santa made a surprise guest appearance. Lola had seen him earlier that day at the mall, so there were no tears, just a nice smile for her old friend.
Then there were the Christmas cookies. These took a few days.

Our cookie army ready to be distributed through out the neighbourhood.
The little elf who went door to door dropping off cookies to all of our neighbours.
Watching a Christmas movie on the pull out couch. I believe that this is Dad's favourite activity of the entire holiday season. This year we watched Frosty the Snowman. Lola loved it and at only 22 minutes it was also a hit with Mom and Dad.
Yes, Lola is wearing stockings on her legs! That is what they are for, non?
The 2011 Family Christmas photo.
The lead up to Christmas was so much fun and there are more photos from our Christmas adventures to come.
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