Monday, April 30, 2012

The Bumbo

 Quinn has started to spend some time hanging out in the Bumbo.  Quinn sitting on his own in a chair makes it much easier for Lola to get in for all of her hugs and kisses.
Quinn never minds all the lovin' that he gets from his big sister.
He seems to like it and is probably a nice change from hanging out in Mom's arms all the time.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Dylan

Dylan turned 5 this week and in honour of his birth his mom and dad threw the best Star Wars birthday party ever!
There were Darth Vader masks and light sabers.
 Three of the cutest Jedi Vaders you have ever seen!
 A Death Star pinata that required the full force of the three Jedi Vaders to smash it.

 There were also hipster glasses.  Sarah swears that they were 3D glasses for the pin the planet on the galaxy game, but regardless they made the kiddies pretty cute.

 As you can tell it was an awesome party.  Happy Birthday Dylan!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring has sprung

 Our cherry tree is blooming and the butterflies are back. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thomson comes for a visit

 Lola's good buddy Thomson came over to and joined us for pizza and movie night.  This week we were screening Star Wars: a new hope.  Both Thomson and Lola were crazy about it.  Before Thomson was heading home I managed to convince them to jump on the big green chair for a short photo session.  They were both very agreeable and happily took any posing prompts that they were given.
 The loving pose.
 The mean pose.
 The angry pose.
 The funny pose.
 The silly pose.
 The crazy pose.
And finally the surprise pose.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Morning Smiles

 It is Monday morning and Quinn is all smiles!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


 It is a pretty special kind of Dad who makes personalized pancakes for a very special little girl!

 Quinn and Uncle Jon watching the Jays and catching some zzzzz's.
 Uncle Josh demonstrating why Lola and Quinn are sometimes afraid of him.

 Lola breast feeding her baby!  She is going to be an expert at boob feeding by the time she has her own kids.

 Dressed up like a princess and hamming it up for the camera.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lola's Scooter

 Over the Easter weekend Grandpa Steve was cleaning out his garage and thought that this scooter would be perfect for Lola.
 He was right, she loves it.
 She looks like such a big girl when she goes zipping by on it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Forty Four Months Old

 Can you believe it? 44 Months?