Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

Just one nice photo?

Sometimes asking children to sit still for one photo is a ridiculous mission.  These photo session always start with a gentle plea, then some serious mom voice, and then I just break down and bribe them.


But, in the end we normally end up with something like this and it is totally worth the cookie and the car that I promised them when they turn sixteen.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Big Kid

Now that he is one, Quinn is pretty sure that he is a big kid and would like all the benefits that being a big kid affords.  Fortunately he has a pretty understanding big sister who is willing to let him sit in her spot at the table, as long as it doesn't interfere with her ability to watch Scooby Doo.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

We got snow

For the second time this winter we were fortunate to receive a major dumping of snow.  So much in fact that York University was closed.  Lola still went to school, but I got a snow day!  In honour of the snow day we did what every Canadian does and headed out to do some serious tobogganing. 

Quinn does not dig tobogganing nearly as much as Lola.  He cried through one run and then was happy to sit at the top of the hill for the rest of the adventure and observe.

Lola on the other hand is a speed demon on the hills and just wanted to go faster and faster.  Apparently the temperatures around here are rising and the snow will be all gone by the end of the week, but we made the most of it while it was here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fifty Four Months Old

We have had some pretty cold days here and lots of snow.  Despite the weather outside I can't get Lola out of her new bikini.

Thanks Grandpa and Oma, this one is a hit!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Adventures in Ear Muffs

Lola has been asking for ear muffs.  And after seeing how cute Quinn is in them, I'm so glad that I finally broke down and bought her some.
While Lola got new ear muffs Quinn got his first pair of boots.  They are effectively fancy milk bags for his feet.  After I got them home and really thought about it I realized that I could have saved myself a lot of money.
Here we are waiting for the street car, Lola was so proud to be out and about in her new ear muffs, Quinn was less impressed to be wearing milk bags on his feet.

The Balance Beam

The balance beam continues to be the most popular toy in our house.  Even Quinn has been trying it out.  He dreams of being as good as his big sister one day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Football Sundays with Dad

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Frosty the snowman

We have had more snow this year then in the past few years combined.  Lola is very excited and she has a lot of plans for the snow.  Building a Frosty the snowman was the first thing on her list.

 She was very proud of him.
With the next big snow fall she wants to build snow fort that her and Dad and can sleep in.  We all have our fingers crossed that we don't get that much snow!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Quinnter Onederland

We really like themes around here, give me a theme and away I go.  So, when it came time to plan Quinn's first birthday party I knew that we needed to come up with an awesome theme.  After bouncing a few ideas around; we finally settled on the most obvious and amazing theme ever -- a Quinnter Onederland -- and we ran with it.  There were snowflake decorations, a pin the nose on Frosty game, a snowflake cake, ice fishing, and matching t-shirts.

Quinn enjoyed the part where we all sang to him, but he had no real interest in eating his cake.  He is pretty skeptical of things that I feed him since the sweet potato incident a few weeks ago.
He really enjoyed Julie's sparkly headband, thankfully she is a tolerant little girl who didn't mind sharing with the birthday boy.
The most popular thing at the birthday party was actually a gift for Lola.  Last time Lola was visiting at Grandpa and Grandma's house she mentioned that she would like a balance beam.  Grandpa and Grandma are never the ones to disappoint; so Grandpa Steve built a balance beam.  The kids all took turns showing off their balance beam skills.  Even Quinn was trying to get up on it.
Just like Lola's parties we asked that instead of gifts guest bring along a donation for our local food bank.  Most people listened and we managed to donate a pretty substantial box of food to the Daily Bread Food Bank.  As always, there we are few presents and Lola was more then happy to help her little brother out with the opening of them.
It was an amazing celebration of a pretty wonderful little man.  I can't believe that our baby boy is already one.
 Thank you to everyone for all your love and support over the past year, we are a very lucky and fortunate family to be surrounded by such wonderful people!