It was a pretty busy weekend around here. Grandpa and Oma came by for a visit, Dad forgot to take any photos of their visit, so again just take my word that they were here.
Grandma also came by for a sleep over visit and brought along this super cute cradle for my babies.

I thought that I would test it out and make sure that it was safe for them.

This weekend was my last week of swimming lessons. I still love them and can't wait for the next session to start up again.

Mark, Katie and Beej came over to visit for Mom's birthday.

Beej was very excited by the birthday cake. When it was taking to long to serve the cake he yelled out "hey Darc, where's my cake?".

I have this new crazy face that I like to make when I pose for the camera.

And, it is now teeth, not tooth. #2 broke through on Sunday! See, I told you it was busy.
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