Friday, July 31, 2009

The Science Centre

While staying at our place the Vancouver Dunton's wanted to go and check out the Ontario Science Centre. It was awesome, but busy (I think that it was filled with every child in the 416/905 area). There is so much to do there, I think that I will have to go back when I get a bit older! Here I am cautiously checking out the scene.
Mom switched my stroller around so now I get to look out at the world (rather then just looking at her) when we walk. It is a whole lot more exciting.
This aquarium was super neat to look at; I loved watching the fish.
Aunt Stephanie and cousin Shaymus making some noise/music.
They had these neat toddler play areas, they were the only empty and quiet space in the entire centre.
Uncle Jeff and Shaymus driving a bobsled.
There is this totally neat thing where you take your picture (see Uncle Jeff's example in the photo above) and then it turns your photo into bubbles (see Uncle Jeff below).Thanks for taking me to the Science Centre Vancouver Dunton's. I had such a great time that I had a 3 hour nap when we got home!

Tamara and Lola

Tamara and I have been very very busy. The two of us have spent lots of time moving around together. Tamara is great on her feet now, but I'm still operating on my hands and knees.
See how great she is at standing!
We have spent a lot of time checking out the stairs.
We just can't figure out how to get past this gate!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Zen Turns 7

Birthdaypalooza continued and it was on to Wonderland to celebrate cousin Zen's 7th birthday. Mom and Dad were both very excited for my first trip to Wonderland.
The line up for the Behemoth was a bit long, so we decided to start with something else.
Standing in line for my first ride at Wonderland!
Mom was all abuzz with anticipation waiting for the ride to start."Ah, Mom and Dad are you sure about this? Who is the creepy guy looking in our train? You realize the train track goes in a circle, right? We aren't actually going anywhere."

Ohhhhh, this is fun!

The birthday boy on a coaster.
Spinning in circles in more Zen's speed.
Thanks for inviting us to help you celebrate. Happy Birthday Zen!

Joseph Turns 5

Can you believe that two of my cousins are born on the same day!!!! So, this weekend was birthdaypalooza.

First we went to London to help cousin Joseph celebrate his big day!
Dad and I waiting for cake!
Isabella in her adorable party dress taking some photos of the action with Joseph's camera.
Aunt Sally made Joseph this great birthday cake. There were cars for all the kids.
Spending quality time with Uncle Josh.
Joseph (and assistant present opener Shaymus) were amazed by the gift from Uncle Josh, Aunt Emily and Uncle Jon. The birthday boy took three tries to blow out all the candles; that is a lot of girlfriends.
Isabella modeling one of Joseph's birthday outfits.
Shaymus is a crack shot with the marshmallow shooter.
This is a stick up!
Joseph getting all ready to slip and slide into home. Uncle Josh's arm is fast...
...but Joseph was totally safe on this play.
Isabella in her third fantastic outfit for the day!

Thanks for a great party. Happy birthday Joseph!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Going to Grandma's

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go to Grandma's. I'm staying over night. I'm not sure what Mom and Dad will do without me, but I'm sure that they will be bored.
I think that I'll bring this stool with me.
See you later!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


One of my favourite things to do is watch bubbles. Mom spends lots of time blowing bubbles for me. Recently she discovered that quality bubbles really do make a difference. It was worth spending the extra money so that mom won't pass out while trying to keep me entertained.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Construction has Started

Things around here have been busier then normal. Construction started on our front porch.
Chewy and I are keeping a very close eye on the workers.
Every project needs a supervisor!

Canada's Next Top Model


This weekend we went up to visit Grandpa and Oma in Collingwood. The weather wasn't amazing, but we still managed to have a great visit. We swam until my hands and lips turned blue, walked when the weather cooperated, sat out side when the sun shone and did lots and lots of cuddling and catching up.
Grandpa taught Dad how to shuck oysters.
They were both very good at it and managed to keep all their fingers!

I did a lot of playing, I loved bouncing in front of the fire place because I could see my reflection in it.
Mom is always pestering me for more photos.
When the sun came out we moved lunch time onto the patio.
I'm not a big fan of the feel of grass, so I have learned to crawl across to the safety of the patio stones pretty quickly.

Thanks for such a wonderful visit Grandpa and Oma.