Saturday started off like any other Saturday. Enjoying a little breakfast and spending some quiet time with the Globe and Mail.

After breakfast Grandma came for a visit and we spent some time looking at the squirrels and birds in the back yard.

Later Grandpa-Baba came over to play with me while Mom and Dad went and got hair cuts.

We had a good time playing with my kitchen. By the time Mom and Dad got back Grandpa-Baba and I were the best of friends. He makes a mean fried egg!

The rest of the Mississauga Dunton clan arrived later in the afternoon for a visit. Uncle Josh wanted a photo that didn't look like I was trying to squirm away, but this was the best I was willing to give.

After all the visiting and playing we headed out for dinner to our favourite restaurant to celebrate Aunt Emily's birthday. There were no waiters standing on chairs singing, but I think that Aunt Emily had a good time. Thanks for the visit and inviting us to dinner, it was delicious!
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