Sometime last year Beej discovered tanks and now he is unable
to talk about anything but tanks. Well that is a stretch; he can also
talk about tank battle strategy, his favorite types of tanks, what specific tanks look like, which tank would be best suited for different types of terrain and how he is the pretty amazing at World of Tanks. So, it was no surprise that for his seventh birthday he had a tank themed pool party.

Lola decided that you don't always have to dress the part for a party; sometimes you can just wear your favorite flower skirt and pink shirt to a party and be happy with it.
Quinn has a pretty exentisive camo wardrobe; almost all of them are hand me downs from Beej
It was a great afternoon filled with lots of fun and laughter and Quinn was excited to be introduced to the world of tanks by Beej. We may have another tank aficionado on our hands! Happy birthday Beej!
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