A whole lot of pictures and very few words; I'll do my best to explain, but there is just too much fun and too many good times from our latest vacation week at the cottage.

No cottage trip is complete without a board game or two. Sarah introduced Lola to the world of 'Sorry"
The ladies love to puzzle and did they puzzle!
Lola's nail salon was open for business.
There were some silly times on the dock
And even more silly times on the boat.
And some silly times in the hot tub.
There was the traditional face painting morning.
The boys making salad.
Boat cruises to get french fries and ice cream with our friends.
Fishing for aligators with a piece of wood. (I don't understand it either, but it kept them busy for hours)
The kids had their own Kids Home and made up their own rules.
I know the Rules
Rule #1 No hurting
Rule #2 Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Rule #3 In an hour we must have a dance party
There was swimming
Family tube rides.
And just lots of general fun.
Another amazing week at the cottage!
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