Yes, in six days we will be far away from the snow, ice and cold. In six days we will be lounging by a pool in Florida. Only six more days of snowsuits and staying inside, I can't wait!

Vacation #2 and with 3 more on the books all I can say is maternity leave is awesome for a number of reasons. Katie took a bit of heat about the
number of vacations she took while on mat leave, but I am now seeing that as a bit of a challenge. The gauntlet has been laid!
Good work, Leah and daddy's little helper. Thanks for keeping us up to date on all the goings on of the Dunton/Montgomery family. Love those pictures from London and Daddy's nice red beard. What a cute ballerina! See you soon, Love, Gramma Trish
Be sure to bring back some photos from your Florida vacation with mommy in them. Don't let granpa take any photos, tho'. He always leaves off the top of people's heads! Have a great time in the Sunny South ( : Love, GT
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