We had family photos taken recently to capture the addition of Quinn into our family. They turned out amazing. Our favourite group shot was this, which if you haven't received your copy in the mail please let me know.
And then there were all the informal ones that really truly represent us well as a family.
Lola reading Quinn our all time favourite story book, Good Night, Gorilla.
Lola and her dress in her bed room.
School Bunny and Home Bunny putting on a puppet show.
Lola getting ready for the photo session.
Playing Mirror, Mirror.
Scooby Snacks!
Lola is cold and tired at this point.
Quinn lounging on Grandmother Rosalind's cedar chest; I love this one.
Checking out a noise on the street.
Quinn and Dad
Lola and Dad
Baby got back!
These are my favourite series of photos, Lola asked to do these fun family shots and told us which one we were doing.
Goofy family.
Angry family.
Crazy family.
Kissie family.
Kisses for Mom and Dad.
Hugs for Quinn.
Taking a bike break from all the photos.
Thanks again to Mary from Lemon Fresh Designs for her amazing photography and her patience. We are so happy with how they turned out.
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