Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Uncle Jon and Uncle Josh

 Uncle Jon and Uncle Josh turned 27 last week and we celebrated the only way that we know how;  with a Dunton birthday BBQ. All the usual suspects were present and we did the same things that we have done for every Dunton (or Dunton affiliate) birthday since the dawn of the bunt cake pan. 
The following photo series organically evolved while we were chatting in the kitchen eating appetizers.

Culminating in a photo with all the present Dunton (and Dunton affiliate) men.
 Lola wore her party dress to celebrate her uncles, or as she likes to call them 'those boys'.  She was of course, the hit of the party dancing, telling jokes and otherwise keeping everyone entertained the entire afternoon.
Quinn was a dashing and charming as ever.  He was happy to be passed around from arms to arms, only wanting Mom when he felt peckish.
This is a terrible picture, but the only one that I had of Jennifer and I have had requests for Jennifer photos.  Next time I will try to get a better one, but in the mean time this will have to appease my followers.
Lola helped Baba decorate the traditional Dunton birthday cake.  And yes Uncle Jon looks scary here!
Lola was super excited to help Uncle Jon and Uncle Josh blow out their birthday candles.  She has been practicing lots at home.

Happy Birthday Uncle Jon and Uncle Josh; thanks for the great birthday party!

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