Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Abracadabra Lola is Six!

For Lola's brithday party with her friends she wanted a magician to come to her party.  And that provided me with all the inspiration that I needed for 'Abracadabra Lola is Six'

The girls from school and Dylan.  Dylan couldn't possibly miss a party that involved magic!

Super Sarah managed to wow the children and the adults alike.
There were many points during her act that the kids just couldn't stop laughing.  She was fun and entertaining and very campy; it was great!
And awesome ballon animals and magic wands for everyone at the end.

Another birthday celebration and another time singing Happy Birthday to Lola.  Birthday celebration #4 and her fourth time blowing out candles.  We were very busy baking in between Lola's brithday celebrations.

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