Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Birthday Girl

In our house your birthday is a pretty special day and you can pretty much request to do whatever you want that day.  So, when Lola woke up on her 5th birthday the first thing that she asked to do was open presents.  So, she sat down pre 7am to open all her gifts, she just couldn't wait until after dinner (which was her plan the night before).  After presents her day continued to be pretty amazing.  She went to Tim Hortons for breakfast, off to Dad's office to work for a bit, then...
to the movies to watch Turbo. 
The a stop at the coffee shop for juice and banana bread.
And a short photo session with Mom and Dad.
And then home for a pad thai feast and a sparkly pink birthday cake.
It was absolutely everything that the little lady had requested to do our special day. 
Happy 5th Birthday Lola!

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